
Transliteration is the process of phonetically converting a word written in one script into another.

This gave users the ability to transliterate text into several non-Latin languages using a normal English keyboard.

We are now supporting the transliteration of the languages as follows: Type a word and hit a space character or punctuation character key to transliterate it.

Space Characters: a <space> or <enter>

Punctuation Character: ! ' # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ / ] ^ _ { | } ~

Arabic Transliteration

Type Arabic words phonetically in English script and have them appear correctly in Arabic.

Typing 'mar7aban bekom ' transliterates into Arabic as '?رحبا ب?? ??.

Google ta3reeb (Arabic transliteration) offers an option for converting Roman characters to Arabic characters.

Hindi Transliteration

Type Hindi words phonetically in English script and have them appear correctly in Hindi.

Typing "hamesha " transliterates into Hindi as 'हमेश�?'.

Google Indic Transliteration offers an option for converting Roman characters to the Devanāgarī characters.

Urdu Transliteration

Type Urdu words phonetically in English script and have them appear correctly in Urdu.

Typing 'asalam alaikum ' transliterates into Urdu as 'اس?ا? ع??ک???.

Google Urdu transliteration offers an option for converting Roman characters to Urdu characters.

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